16 May 2006

More on my Summer Plans

As I mentioned previously, I will be spending July and the first half of August in Boston at the Summer Beit Midrash, sharpening my textual skills and learning.
However, I have also figured out that I will be attending the three-day "Modern Orthodoxy 1940-1970" conference in Scranton, PA. This will not only be informative to me as a Jew, as a Modern Orthodox Jew, but also as a future Modern Orthodox rabbi. I look very forward to it as I hope to gain a lot of knowledge, information, and understanding. Additionally, I will not be the only blogger there (Menachem will be there (also hat tip to him on the Forward article)).
Lastly, the last week of June, I hope to attend YCT's Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought in Teaneck, NJ - I attended it last year and was enriched, so hopefully will I be this year, as well.
As far as the rest of my time in June, I hope to finally spend some serious time churning out a few articles (out of some of these) as I keep pushing them off, but will finally have time to work on them (just in the Heights). Alternatively or additionally, the idea of working isn't totally out of my mind, but I don't have much in the way of ideas on this.
As far as the latter half of August - that remains to be seen. Maybe I'll work?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mother would love to see you work, as you seem at least to be giving it a little bit of thought!