Sleep in the Yerushalmi, part II
After flipping through the tractates of Yoma, Bezah, Ta'anit, Megillah, Hagigah, Moed Qatan, chapter 10 of Sanhedrin, and chapters 1-4 and 10 of Pesahim in the Yerushalmi and have found really no significant statements regarding sleep. So unless someone has any texts about sleep in tractates other than these and other than in Shabbat, Berakhot, or Sukkah, (which I would much appreciate) - I would say that I have found most of the texts in the Yerushalmi that speak about sleep.
Wouldn't a Bar Ilan search (or similar) been more efficient?
More efficient as in less time - yes. As in necessarily helping me find what I want - no. Not that there is much there. However, I do believe in Bar-Ilan searches, don't get me wrong. The upside was that I noticed some interesting things here and there.
There is a Mishnah in Pirkei Avot about sleep. Alex
Thanks, there area actually two or three (two in the third chapter and kind of another one in the "sixth chapter"). Although I was looking for statements about it in the Yerushalmi, thanks for the thought.
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