14 March 2021

Tentative Table of Contents for Forthcoming Collection of Essays on Tannaitic Texts, שלשים לכח

I have had an idea for about a decade to produce a book entitled "שלשים לכח: Power at 30", collecting together 30 essays of mine on Rabbinic Literature, yet w
ith my 40th birthday looming in a little over a half-year, I am feeling the pressure to finish editing it and packaging it together.

While I am still very much in the editing process, I am excited to announce the lineup of the 30 essays that will comprise this volume. 27 of the 30 essays have previously appeared in blog posts of mine from 2011-2020, with the other 3 appearing for the first time.

If you are interested in perusing to potentially offer suggestions - editing or otherwise - please reach out to me (feel free to tweet me @DrewKaplan).

Here is the tentative table of contents for this project:

Table of Contents


Studies in Pirkei Avot

        שלשים לכח: Power at 30

Wine in Pirkei Avot

The Paradoxical Scriptural Readings of Simon, son of Zoma in Avot

Studies in The Babylonian Talmud

        White Days vs. Niddah Days

Rabbi Tarfon’s Parallel Statements in the Babylonian Talmud with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount

Things Not to Say to Converts

The Talmudic Prohibition Against Manual and Pedal Adultery

Intense Sex? The Case of Rabbi Eliezer and Imma Shalom

The Sorcerer Rabbi? Rabbi Eliezer and His Sorcery

An Initial Look at מפני מה אמרה תורה in Tannaitic Use

Considering Rabbi Meir’s Famous Statement Concerning Why the Torah Stated that Niddah is for Seven Days

Abba Shaul’s Bone Forensics Concerning Wine

Studies in The Mishnah

Rabbinic Frequency in the Mishnah

“But Sages Say…” To Whom Did Unnamed Sages Respond in the Mishnah?

Wine in Mishnah Berakhot: An Introduction

Lulav-Waving in the Mishnah

"תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם": What is Equivalent to the Study of Torah?

Sleep in the Mishnah I: Seder Moed

Sleep in the Mishnah II: Seder Taharot

Sleep in the Mishnah III: Seder Kodashim

Sleep in the Mishnah IV: Seder Nashim

Sleep in the Mishnah V: Seder Nezikin

Studies in The Tosefta

“But Sages Say…” To Whom Did Unnamed Sages Respond in the Tosefta?

Sleep in the Tosefta I: Kodashim

Sleep in the Tosefta II: Nezikin

Sleep in the Tosefta III: Seder Moed

Sleep in the Tosefta IV: Seder Nashim

Sleep in Tosefta V: Taharot

The Travels of Rabban Gamaliel’s Sons in the Tosefta

Initial Considerations on the מסובין Incidents in the Tosefta

Studies in Tannaitic Interpretation

Tannaitic Interpretations of Deuteronomy 22:5

Tannaitic Approaches to Molekh in the Book of Leviticus

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