06 August 2007

Random Quotes

While sorting through my old college computer scavenging it for files of various sorts that may be somehow useful, especially including pictures, some of which are featured here, I found three files, each of which had a quote. So, I figured I would post them here - who knows? Maybe someone will find them useful.
The first of the these three quotes is from Erich Fromm, who wrote some excellent books (it was kind of interesting for me to be reading his works in a post-modern era, as he was a modern writer, but he nevertheless has some impressive insights), the following quote from Man for Himself: An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics:
The overemphasis on ends leads to a distortion of the harmonious balance between means and ends in various ways: one way is that all emphasis is on ends without sufficient consideration of the role of means. The outcome of this distortion is that the ends become abstract, unreal, and eventually nothing but pipe dreams. This danger has been discussed at length by Dewey. The isolation of ends can have the opposite effect: while the end is ideologically retained, it serves merely as a cover for shifting all the emphasis to those activities which are allegedly means to this end. The motto for this mechanism is “The ends justify the means.” The defenders of this principle fail to see that the use of destructive means has its own consequences which actually transform the end even if it is still retained ideologically.
The latter two quotes both come from http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com, though the original locations of the links are no longer existant.
The first of these two quotes is from Susanne Hauschild, Thomas Licht, and Wolfram Stein in their "Creating a Knowledge Culture":
“[S]uccessful companies build a corporate environment that fosters a desire for knowledge among their employees and that ensures its continual application, distribution, and creation.”
The last quote is from "When reorganization works":
Reorganizations succeed when they build on simple and motivating business ideas, are well-timed, and face social realities. Only when these three conditions have been met should top executives begin drawing up and testing the options for a new organizational design.

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