While I am still thinking about how best to do this task, I am planning on doing one tweet per day on the topic of ברכת החמה (the blessing over the sun (not the sun) (more info)) - if it goes well, great; if not, also fine. Either way, it's a specific short amount of time.
While I am on the topic, there was a posting today entitled "A Preliminary Bibliography of the Recent Works on Birkat ha-Chamah" (give it kavod here (like I did)), which makes for an interesting juxtaposition - the posting there speaks of many books written on this blessing said every 28 years, some of which are hundreds of pages long. On the other hand, Twitter limits messages to 140 characters long. Some of those books were way over 140 pages! Anyways, shabbat shalom and I look forward to embarking on this new opportunity next week.
Interesting post. I thought you might be interested in Sam Freedman's article in The Times over the weekend. http://gawker.com/5203021/insane-surge-in-j+school-applications
Great post, please check out my follow up post on Frumhacks.com:
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